Is it weird... that when I open my internet browser, I must open the tabs in a specific order each time? 1. gmail 2. facebook 3. blogger 4. Q100
Is it weird... that I can not get into an unmade bed at night. If its not been made, no matter how sleepy I am... I will make it.
Is it weird... that I don't like my food to touch on my place. {unless they "belong" together, like mash-taters & gravy}
Is it weird... that I cant go poop without looking behind the shower curtain to make sure no one is there.
Valentine’s Day Kiss Kit
3 days ago
You and I are cut from the same mold! These were great!
I definitely open my tabs in the same order: Facebook, VT Gmail, Regular Gmail, Google Reader, Message Boards.
And I SO LOL'd at you checking behind the shower curtain for a poop-spyer!
you're a freak.... just kidding! i'm the same way. ocd, maybe ;)
ok, the first three, not too weird, the last one is super weird though! Love you anyways! I still have a minor fear of something hiding under my bed, so if it's dark in the room I usually run and jump into the bed! I actually forgot that I did this because until last night we were sleeping on a mattress on the floor...nothing hiding there for sure!
Haha these are why I love you! I swear one of these days I am hiding a blow up doll behind the shower curtain.
Those were great, I'm the same way!
another one: is it weird that i totally just added you on facebook.. hmm, prolly weird. lol
I literally just laughed out loud at the last one!
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