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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

yeah. so far. not getting it.

 remember when i told you that the hubs got me a new camera?
no?  {here}
 since then, I've read 5 {yes, 5} books on photography
well, 3 on photography and 2 on my specific camera model.
am i any smarter? nope. it doesn't feel like I've absorbed one bit.

a few weeks ago bestie told me about a 12 week online class she was following
i downloaded all the lessons and printed them out
made a cute little binder with tabs and everything.
I was so excited that while I was making the binder, I read all the lessons.
they look amazing and I can't wait to learn and implement everything.

::getting to the point::

so this morning
i'm out in our front yard taking pictures of this guy... my stationary object
and trying to learn how to set my ISO and my aperture and my f-stop..ect.ect.ect.

then i hear a buzzing sound over my head
i stand up and see this guy

i look over and see this one peaking out at me

before you know it i have abandoned my stationary object
and started taking pictures of all the bugs pollinating

then i feel my foot burning and i look down and realize
that i'm standing in the middle of an ant bed

i should have stuck to my stationary object.

Monday, August 9, 2010

weekend review

i worked. late. boo.

i worked in the morning.
hubs worked his 2nd job.
that night we celebrated with friends
at a luau for J & S that are getting married in september.

we didn't know many people there, so I will refrain from posting many pics
but, please note that I am on the hunt for a red/black blow up pool to cool
our food in for football season. what a cute idea!!

i fixed breakfast while hubs slept in.
read my ikea catalogue for an hour straight.
chores. and cole got a bath.
movie time / nap time on the couch with hubs.
dinner with my parents & bro & sil at our house
{i guess i only got pics of the food. ha}