Let me start by saying that I can not take credit for all the cupcake porn you are about to feast your eyes on... This awesome party was pulled off with the help of MOH and MOB. To them I am forever grateful for my sanity. Lovies.
I'll let the pictures do most of the talking here...
1. Sent out super cute invitations like these to 12 really close friends and family. (totaly DIY)
2. I made 5 different flavors of cupcakes... Mom made one and MOH made one... we had about 168 cupcakes!! (Lots for take homes and work the next day) P.S. Blackberry pics stink!
3. I made a light lunch. Hello?? We were about to eat 7 cupcakes for desert! Just croissants and fruit.
4. We had Lemonade and Strawberry Kiwi drinks so we could test out the other drink holders for our wedding reception! (glad we did because one of them leaked... e.x.c.h.a.n.g.e.)
5. And of course, we had cupcakes!!
More tomorrow... enjoy!