My sweet little baby... today you turned one.
This year went by so fast. Faster than I ever imagined. I tried to cherish it, I tried to drink you in, to smell your skin, to memorize the curve of your chubby legs, the sound of your laugh, the way your lips curve into a smile. I tried to forever keep you my itty-bitty, but you still grew bigger. You still turned one.
This year has been amazing. A year of learning for your daddy and me. We did our very best. Those first few weeks were hard. Us learning you. You learning us. But we made it. We bonded, and there is nothing we wouldn't do for you.
I remember the first time I saw you. I loved you before you were even born, but when I saw you my heart melted into a big puddle. I remember your first smile, your first laugh, and the first time you rolled over. I remember the first time we survived a blow out diaper at the store, and the time you threw up all over me in line at Publix. I remember wearing you in our sling all day... doing laundry, dishes, and checking in on facebook all with you contently sleeping on my chest. I remember all the nights we spent in your rocking chair, and all the mornings you woke up happy to see me. I remember your first trip to the beach, your first bites of food, your first word ('dada') and the way my heart exploded when you finally said 'mama' about 2 months later. I remember watching you learn to crawl and then stand, and now walk just before you turned one.
I hope I can always remember the little things... the way you wrap blankets around your arm, the way you wont give kisses but 'head hug' instead. I hope I remember how much you love blueberries and bath time, and how you light up when dada comes home from work. I hope I can remember that milk time is my favorite time because that is the only time you will snuggle. and I hope I can remember how crazy I am about you... how I crave you at work when we weren't together, how I scoop you out of your crib at night for midnight snuggles, and how I bomb instagram with your pictures. Because I do love you, my baby. I'm crazy about you.
As I sit here writing with tears running down my cheeks, I am trying to put to words what my heart knows... my heart knows that you are perfect. You were made to be with us, and to give us purpose. You fill our hearts with so much happiness and we are so thankful for you. The love we have for you is indescribable. I know that you wont possibly
understand that until you have a little baby of your own.
I wish this year would never end, but I know that the next year will be even more fun. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life watching you grow up. It is my biggest joy.
I love you, momma's baby,
our first look
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