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Friday, January 27, 2012


with my best charlie sheen voice

that is pretty much how I feel today.

Mommy is Winning!

up until yesterday d-baby has been sleeping pretty much anywhere but his crib. 
carseat, bouncey chair, swing, sling, sofa, our bed...ect.
which was fine but I was ready for him to be getting into a routine
to make it easier on all of us for when I go back to work.

I am THRILLED to say that he slept in his crib all night last night, and for his naps today.

This is such a rewarding milestone... 

I keep texting pictures to hubs and BFF everytime he goes down for a nap like
"OMG, he's in his crib AGAIN!" haha. 
My little turtle is growing up.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

random notes...

I'm having a hard time coming up with titles... 
I feel like everypost should be titled "random" for the next couple of weeks. haha

-I am starting to get mentally/physically prepared to head back to work in a few weeks. I'm all over the place on this one. happy/sad/excited/scared/nervous/ect. I'm ready for some adult interaction and routine, but sad to leave my baby all day (even if it is just with gramma's and the hubs).

-I'm starting to get my pre-baby body back. if that is even possible. I saw this idea on pinterest the other day and made my own jars. The one on the left is lbs I've lost and the one on the right is lbs still to loose. (each rock is 1/2 lb. I'm already at my pre-pregnancy weight, this is just to get me to a healthy goal weight).

-My sweet baby is 8 weeks old today. I can't believe how much he has grown in the past few weeks! He is gaining neck controll and wiggling all over the place during tummy time. He smiles at us, recognizes our voices, and has started the cutest coo-ing in the past week or two. Got a cute video of it too... I'll post at the bottom. :)

-Those close to us know we had a hard time trying to find a paci that Durham would take with his tounge being tied... we finally found one two weeks ago. I put all our "I don't like this" pacis in a jar on his dresser. haha

-The hubs and I have been going to a bible study small group on Friday nights. We are doing a series on marriage that has been making me really think and put an effort into the things I say. It has really made me feel like I'm being a better wife, and for that I am thankful.

I know this is mostly for the grandparents (and aunt ra) but it's short and cute. 
man I love this kid.