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Friday, May 31, 2013

summer bucket list

we are so excited for summer!!

the past two weeks durham has been in swim lessons in the morning so we haven't really had time to do playdates (since now he naps in the early afternoon- one nap rocks!) and we are so looking forward to resuming our regular playdate rotation with our favorites.
I need to be kinda deliberate with summer fun stuff or we wont have time to do it all. balancing work and play is not always easy, but making time for the things we enjoy is high on my priority list. we used an awesome coloring page printable from pen & paint blog (Free printable HERE) to get our summer bucket list down on paper. durham helped to color it in.
I'm excited to do all of these things! like: going to the zoo, picking blueberries, durham's first braves game, home made ice cream and popsicles. finding the king of pops in atlanta and eating snowcones. swimming with Jack (he learned so much as swim lessons this year!) and hosting a BBQ here.

what are your must-do's this summer? and how do you make time to get them all in?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

first freckle

Chris noticed Durham's first freckle on the middle of his back the other night. it's so tiny. so cute. the hubs and I are both very mole-y so it will be interesting to see how many freckles and moles durham ends up with. (sorry buddy) haha.

also, adorable vintage jackson swim trunks and crocks.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


we are practicing. but it is so hard to blow bubbles. haha.