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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Happy Birthday!!

 Durham turns ONE!

The first birthday should really be a party for the parents. The parents should be able to celebrate making it through the first year. we did it. we made it. we not only survived, but we thrived this first year. It was tough of course, especially those first few months, but we got our grove and we are doing great.

we celebrated d's 1st birthday at our house with family. we kept it small (because our house is small) and because we wanted to really be able to focus on what was most important, duh, durham.

We had cupcakes and cookies that I made. and we ordered out BBQ for lunch. a big tray of pulled pork, and some chicken tenders, Brunswick stew and sides... it was delicious and low maintenance. I loved it. I also made durham's cake. I used an adapted carrot cake recipe from Wholesome baby food to make his smash cake (I left out the oil and raisins, and added 1 cup of pureed peaches), and decorated it with coolwhip and sprinkles.

had a blast smashing his cake and opening presents. baby got so much cool stuff that we put half of it up in his closet to bring out in the summer when we need a little newness around here. We are beyond thankful for those who came to celebrate with us and love our baby so well.

big thanks to aunt ra who took all the pictures so I could just focus on my baby. she's the best.


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