Just a few more pics... we had an amazing honeymoon... one that I know will we remember and cherish for the rest of our lives.
"Happiness consists of living each day as if it were the first day of your honeymoon and the last day of your vacation”

{Beautiful Half Moon Cay}
{Chris couldn't wait to get his toes in that silky sand}
{There was a really big group of ladies doing water aerobics. It was so funny}
{Just basking in our honeymoon glow}
{This is what happens when you put sunscreen stick on your honeymoon beard}
{Damn right}
{Chris playing a little slots... honoring his granny}
{This night, our dinner partners didn't show... so we had the table to ourselves. Romantic!}
{and our towel animal that night}
*Tomorrows post: Nassau
{Dock the damn boat!}
{Hanging out in Grand Turk}
{This is the boat that took us snorkeling... it was (besides the food and the whole husband-just-got-married-to-the-love-of-my-life-thing) my favorite part of our honeymoon. Too bad the $12 underwater camera we bought was crap}
{There was a beautiful sunset}
{A movie playing on the deck}
{A new towel to enjoy}
{And lots and lots of chocolate lava cake!}
*Tomorrows post: 2nd Port Half Moon Cay
{We had just gotten on the cruise ship here, and ordered 2 "drinks of the day". I was all about the souvenir glasses at this point, but, I was over it in about 2 days. LOL}
{The view as we were leaving MIAMI}
{Partying on the deck the first day...}
{There was no need to attend the safety briefing... we had it covered}
{One of my favorite things about the cruise were the towel animals waiting for us every night after dinner... this was the first night}
{On the 2nd day, we were "at sea". It was fun to lay out on the deck, but by that night it felt like there were 5 million people on the boat. We were ready to get off!}
Tomorrow: first port!