My Bestie has a blog... therefore, to be exactly like her, I must blog too. Originally.
See, I can't be like her in every way. She's married. We're pretending. She has the most adorable 10 week old baby boy. Cole, our weim, is 3 years old and has much furrier cheeks. She's a stay at home mom. I'm a lotion obsessed freak. She is the friend to me that I try to be. Supportive. Funny. Understanding. Uplifting. Being exactly like her is a good thing...
As I mentioned, we're pretending to be married. My fiance' and I are planning a fall wedding next year. We're hoping for the beach in east Georgia and having 75 of our closest friends and family come to celebrate us for the entire weekend sounds like heaven to me! I have already started looking at websites and wedding magazines but, have had a hard time actually making any firm decisions. I hope the indecisiveness will subdue soon.
How songs become portals to our past
3 days ago